Saturday, June 28, 2008

Jake: The Third Year

Here's a video of Jake from his second to third birthday, with a soundtrack by one of his favorite bands (he is only three...)

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Little Stories...

At school, they do a fun activity every month for the kids -- field trips, special visitors, etc. This month, Wayne the Wizard, Magician and Ventriloquist, is coming next week. Jake asked, so I explained what a magician and ventriloquist are. I asked what he will think when Wayne comes. "I will be so freaked out!" Hee, he makes me laugh...


Jake is ready to move on. The other day he said, "When Pluto is gone, I should get a hamster." He can even tell you what kind of hamster. I guess Pluto won't be missed.


Jake always notices what I'm wearing. He particularly likes necklaces.

Recently, I wore a couple of necklaces, layered. One of them is a small "P" Jake says "Mommy, I love your neck-a-lace" (always a three syllable word with him). "You have a P for me!" "Me too, Jake, my name is Piper, too." He looks at me as if I'm crazy: "No you're not, your name is Mommy!"


We went to Door County for the weekend. (Happy Anniversary to Mommy and Poppy) The parts Jake liked most? The swimming pool and game room at the motel. Really, we could have stayed at the Holiday Inn down the road and he would have had just as good a time.

Jake likes to play mechanic. The other day, he was "helping" Poppy. Alex gave him a real screwdriver, figuring he couldn't do anything with it. By the time I came outside 20 minutes later, Jake had removed every visible screw from his electric car...