Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Things That Make You Go "Vrooom"

Jake has a car. Not just any old push-with-your-feet Fred Flinstone car -- no, this is a car "just like Mommy's!" It's an electric car that with a "gas" pedal, a steering wheel and horn, and more. Top speed? Three mph, although Jake thinks he's going 300 mph, at least.

It didn't take much for him to learn how to drive it. He's already an expert at wide turns and staying on the road (in this case, the sidewalk). He does sometimes get distracted by his own shadow: Hey! Look, I'm driving a car! But overall, he's a good driver. He loves feeling as if he is doing something Mommy and Poppy and Daddy do. And he likes that the more he practices, the better he gets (we're working on turning around in driveways). Reverse gear is still a issue, but that's true for adults sometimes--in fact, some adults Jake is related to (not naming names, of course).

Thanks to MeMe for the fabulous birthday present! Jake loves it!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Dissent & Revolt, Three-Year-Old Style

More birthday fun for Jake -- he got a cool purple lightening strap for his guitar! And because all rockers need to be rebellious, a "Dissent and Revolt" sticker for his guitar. I think it will end up being accompanied by Elmo and Blue's Clues, but hey, he's only three; rockers have to start somewhere.

The guys at The Guitar Center were most impressed with his guitar and the fact that he plays it so much. Jake was a little overwhelmed with all the noise (there were a bunch of guys there playing the electric guitar) but he really liked looking at all the different guitars hanging on the walls.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Happy 3rd Birthday!

It's Jake's third birthday. He's had a great day. Mommmy and Poppy woke him up by singing "Happy Birthday" and he got to eat both french toast AND cereal for breakfast.

He opened one present this morning -- a "real" two-octave kids' piano from Nanny. He was so excited! Now he can watch his "Laurie" DVD and either play guitar like Laurie or keyboards like Susie. Although after watching that DVD, he thinks you play the piano by standing up!

He had a great day at school and was "king" of the room. Mommy brought in a Curious George ice cream cake and special treats for all of his friends. Everyone said the cake was really yummy. Jake also got a present from his Daddy and Amy; a toy UPS truck. BIG hit.

In fact, UPS was part of his birthday: After dinner at McDonald's (Jake's favorite place to eat in the world) we drove by the district UPS facility and saw lots and lots of "PUS twucks, Mommy!" So cool. Jake can discuss the medium trucks, the 18-wheelers, what colors they are, what they might carry...he's quite the UPS truck expert. (Don't ask me, I have no idea why he's obsessed with them.)

He got his very own digital camera, a McDonald's gift card, a game, and a Wiggles DVD. Tomorrow he gets to see the Wiggles live in concert and he is very excited. On Saturday he has a family birthday party planned. Whew!

Of course, he didn't get one thing he wanted -- a rhinoceros. We discussed that we don't really have room for a rhino, so we decided we would have a pretend rhino for a pet. Jake decided that he would name him...."Bunny."

Currently, he and Poppy are watching "videos". The Beatles are a big favorite right now.

Sigh. I can't believe he's three. Seems like yesterday....