Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Things That Make You Go "Vrooom"

Jake has a car. Not just any old push-with-your-feet Fred Flinstone car -- no, this is a car "just like Mommy's!" It's an electric car that with a "gas" pedal, a steering wheel and horn, and more. Top speed? Three mph, although Jake thinks he's going 300 mph, at least.

It didn't take much for him to learn how to drive it. He's already an expert at wide turns and staying on the road (in this case, the sidewalk). He does sometimes get distracted by his own shadow: Hey! Look, I'm driving a car! But overall, he's a good driver. He loves feeling as if he is doing something Mommy and Poppy and Daddy do. And he likes that the more he practices, the better he gets (we're working on turning around in driveways). Reverse gear is still a issue, but that's true for adults sometimes--in fact, some adults Jake is related to (not naming names, of course).

Thanks to MeMe for the fabulous birthday present! Jake loves it!

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