Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Jake's vocabulary has taken another huge leap. He's always been verbal, but now it's like talking to a 10 year old (or possibly a 30 year old).

Last night I made spaghetti and meatballs. (Jake will now deign to actually eat the pasta and sauce, not just the "balls of meat.") He was being very polite and practicing excellent manners -- asking me to please pass the salt and pepper, etc. He asked for the parmesan cheese and tried to shake it, but nothing was coming out because it had made that annoying clump it sometimes does.

Jake sighs and hands it to Alex, saying, "Poppy, can you please fix this? It's all cattywampus."

I'm sure that's something he's heard his father say. Between David's expressions, mine, and Alex's, it's no wonder Jake comes up with some funny phrases now and then...

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