Sunday, April 13, 2008

Quick Takes

Jake has taken to trying to stuff his doll, Phil, up his shirt so he can be "pwegnant." He also likes to "feed" Phil like Mommy; he pulls up his shirt and puts Phil up to his chest.

Each day at school, he gets a note that tells me what he ate, when he napped, what his mood was like, and what his favorite things to do were. Imagine my surprise when his favorite thing was, "feeding his baby." At least he's nurturing his pretend baby and not trying to kill it!


The other night, Jake laid both of his hands on my cheeks, looked at me very sweetly, and said, "I care for you, Mommy."


Jake has started eating vegetables again (he used to love them). The other night, he actually asked for salad!


We bought Jake a bunch of glow-in-the-dark stars for his ceiling. He also has Twilight Turtle, which projects stars onto his walls and ceiling. We turned the light off to see what the new stars looked like, and he said, "Look, Mommy! It's a whole consolation!"


I was doing laundry today when Jake appeared about half-way down the basement steps. "Are you in the water, Mommy?" he asks. "Where's the water? Is it invisible?" He had heard us talking about how the basement was leaking...

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