Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Just So We're Clear...

Jake has many stuffed animals, but he is particularly fond of Bunny (a gift from Grandma on his first Easter), Emmephis (a stuffed elephant his Aunt Abby gave him when he was born), and Froggy (a gift from MeMe). Those three get to hang on his bed and sleep with him, instead of being relegated to the Pile (by his bed) or the dreaded net inside his closet (where bad stuffed animals go).

Tonight, Bunny was MIA. I had looked around, but could not find him. This conversation ensued:

J: "Mommy, where is Bunny?"
M: "I don't know, sweetie. Maybe he's on an adventure!" (brightly)
J: "Why?"
M: "Well, maybe Bunny went on an adventure so he could tell you all about it tomorrow."
(pause) J:"Mommy, Bunny is a stuffed animal."

Monday, May 19, 2008

Olbrich Gardens

We went to beautiful Olbrich Gardens here in Madison. It's near the lake, across from the Capitol. It's a gorgeous spot. It was a perfect spring day and Jake, Poppy, Charlie, and I had a wonderful time (Charlie slept the entire time). We would tell Jake to run ahead to a certain spot (like the tulips) and he would take off running, then talk to the flowers until we caught up with the stroller. He and Poppy had a great time exploring the Rose Garden tower and the Thai temple (only one in the United States).

Mother's Day

Jake made me a beautiful stepping stone with his hand print. He was so excited to show it to me, the first thing he said on Mother's Day morning was "Mommy, let's go open your present."

Here's some pictures of me and Jake and Charlie. The sweetest word in the world has to be "Mommy."

Jake & Poppy

Aren't my boys handsome?

Hairy Is Beautiful

The other day, Alex was changing shirts and putting on deodorant. This
conversation ensued:

Jake: "Poppy, what's that?" (pointing to Alex's armpit)
Alex; "That's deodorant."
J: "No, no, what's THAT?" (pointing again)
A: "Oh, that's my underarm hair. You'll have it when you grow up, too."
J: "No, I won't!"
Me: "Sure you will. All men have it."
J: "No they don't."
M: "Yes, they do. Your daddy does, too."
J: "No he doesn't!"
M: "Honey, he does. He has hair on his chest and face, too. When
you're a man, you are hairy."
J:" No, my daddy isn't hairy! He's beautiful!"

Boy, is he in for a surprise when he sees his Daddy this summer in a bathing suit...

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Preclampsia Walk

Did you know that although more than 200,000 pregnant women get preeclampsia every year, no one knows what causes this sometimes deadly disease? Very little research is being done to find out causes, and possible cures, for this disease, which can cause premature births, developmental disabilities or delays, or even death and permanent damage for mother and baby. The Preeclampsia Foundation works to raise awareness about preeclampsia, HELLP, and related diseases, with the goal of getting more moms and babies the help they need, and ultimately, finding the cause and cure.

Alex, Jake, Charlie and I will be participating in the Madison Walk-A-Thon on Saturday, May 31. Your pledge will help enormously. Please email me if you'd like to support our walk for babies and moms. Thanks!

Friday, May 02, 2008

A Three Year Old's Love is Conditional

Sometimes, Jake looks so sweet and cute.

For the most part, he is. But he's reached that stage where he had demands -- demands which are not always met to his liking. When they aren't, he can get a tad....upset.

The other day, he was mad at me for something or other, and he told me he didn't love me. I asked why. "Mommy, sometimes I love you, and sometimes I don't, and that's just the way it is," he patiently explained.

"Well, I love you all the time," I replied, trying to hide my laughter. It's hard to argue with logic like that.