Monday, May 19, 2008

Hairy Is Beautiful

The other day, Alex was changing shirts and putting on deodorant. This
conversation ensued:

Jake: "Poppy, what's that?" (pointing to Alex's armpit)
Alex; "That's deodorant."
J: "No, no, what's THAT?" (pointing again)
A: "Oh, that's my underarm hair. You'll have it when you grow up, too."
J: "No, I won't!"
Me: "Sure you will. All men have it."
J: "No they don't."
M: "Yes, they do. Your daddy does, too."
J: "No he doesn't!"
M: "Honey, he does. He has hair on his chest and face, too. When
you're a man, you are hairy."
J:" No, my daddy isn't hairy! He's beautiful!"

Boy, is he in for a surprise when he sees his Daddy this summer in a bathing suit...

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