Thursday, July 31, 2008

But Mommy I Will Miss You

The other day on the ride home, Jake asked me what we were having for dinner.

M: "Spahgetti and cheese toast, I think."
J: "Yum! That's my favorite!"
M: "Do you want to help me cook?"
J: "Sure! I'm a good cooker."
M: "Yes, you are. Do you think you want to be a chef when you grow up?"
J: "Yes! I will a chef and have a restaurant and cook for lots of people."
(pause and then a small, soft voice from the back says)
J: "But I will miss you, Mommy."
M: "Oh, I would miss you, too, Jake. Tell you what, when you grow up, you can live near me."
J: "Yes! I will live right next to you and my restaurant will be next door and you can come visit me and I will cook for you every day."
M: "Sounds good to me, sweetie."

If only it were that easy...I'll remind myself of this conversation in 10 years, when he can't wait to grow up and leave home...sniff.

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