Friday, January 16, 2009

More Pics

It's been so long since I updated, here are some pictures from the last couple of months..

Charlie and Jake love to wrestle. Of course, Jake doesn't know his own strength and Charlie has no fear, so it can be sort of nerve-wracking. But Jake usually tries hard to be gentle. And they both laugh so hard!

Every year, Jake and I make a gingerbread house for Christmas. This year, it was a Willy Wonka brand house, so the candy was particularly good. Oddly enough, once it's made Jake doesn't want to eat it. He just likes eating the extra candy during the building process.

On Thanksgiving weekend, Madison had an "open house" downtown with free hot chocolate and treats at select merchants, and free trolley rides. It started out as a very cold day, but warmed up a bit. We had a great time. Jake is posing on the Capitol building grounds, with State Street behind him.

I bought Jake and Charlie Thanksgiving pjs. Jake's said, "Everyone is grateful for me" and he liked to point that out every time he wore them.

I also bought the boys matching shirts that say "Mommy's Little Monster." They look too cute wearing them and sadly, on this day, they were all too accurate. Don't be fooled by how angelic they look here! It was one of those days we were stuck in the house because of weather and they were just stir crazy. Can't wait for spring...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the updated fluff - they are both so gorgeous...Charlie is growing so fast! I was LOL about Jake's pjs and how he reminded everyone :) cute!