Friday, July 15, 2005

I'm 47 Weeks Old!

Hello, everyone! I hope you're having a good July so far. It's been really hot here, and I've been sick most of the month.

Yes, I got sick again. School called Mommy on Friday to say that I had a temperature around 100 degrees. Mommy figured my ear infection was back, so she called and made a doctor's appointment. But she couldn't leave work right away because she had an important deadline. When she came and got me, my fever was up to 102 degrees. The doctor said my ears were fine, but I had a virus.

My tummy was really upset. My little hiney was like hamburger, it was so raw. Mommy stopped at the drug store to get me Pedialyte and special butt cream. I was really tired and cranky, although I was trying hard to be good.

We were supposed to go up to Door County (that's in northern Wisconsin) to visit Grandma and Grandpa. Mommy and the doctor agreed that I probably shouldn't travel. I was really disappointed. But then Grandma decided to drive down and help take care of me! Wasn't that nice?

We had a nice weekend, even though I wasn't feeling too great. Grandma likes to sing to me and play with me. She makes me laugh. Here's a picture of us (Jacob071105b). Mommy really enjoyed having adult conversation on a weekend that wasn't with the grocery store clerk.

I felt a lot better on Sunday, so we all went to the Madison Arboretum. Mommy and Grandma thought it would be nice to see some flowers. But there aren't really any flowers there -- just "ecosystems," and boring ones at that. So we walked around the mall for a while. It had air conditioning. It was good to get out of the house and have some things to look at--plus, I had an excuse to lie back in my stroller and get some rest, instead of feeling as if I had to show off playing. I was tired when we got home, though, and took it easy (Jacob071005c).

Grandma stayed with me this morning while Mommy went to work, so I had Grandma all to myself. It was great fun. Mommy came home at lunch so Grandma could go home. I was sorry to see her go!

I like to stretch after my naps (Jacob071005b), although I have to be careful because Mommy will tickle me. I'm getting really big now. Mommy and Grandma measured me this weekend and I'm almost 29 inches long.

I clapped for the first time today! Mommy has been trying to teach me to clap since I was really little, but I've shown no interest. But today, we were watching Elmo talk about his two hands and I finally figured out how to clap! Wow, my hands can make noise just like Mommy's.

I think I'm ready to graduate to the next room at school. The Little Toddler room is for babies 10 to 15 months old. I'm going to be 11 months old next week, which means I should be 8 1/2 or 9 months. That's early, except I'm really a lot more like an 11 month old when it comes to motor skills.

There are other babies in the Little Toddler room that can't walk, so I won't be the only one -- although I will physically be the smallest. But I'm more advanced than one of the 11 month olds, who can't even pull himself up. I can do that! And I'm getting bored in the baby room, with all of the baby toys. But I will miss my teachers. Anyway, I'm going to start splitting my days and we'll see how it goes.

I'm trying to get new teeth. I've had my two bottom teeth for a while now. Mommy is convinced I'll never get teeth on the top! But I've been gnawing on anything and everything again, so more teeth must be on the way. Here's a picture of me chewing on my stroller strap (Jacob071105a). Do you think I have curly hair? Grandma is convinced my hair is starting to get curly. Mommy thinks I just have spectacular bed head and need some serious product.

Well, I'm off to get a good night's sleep so I can go to school tomorrow. Have a great week!

Love and bed-head kisses,


P.S. Special get-well wishes for my cousin David.

P.P.S. Congratulations to my Daddy and Miss Amy.

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