Saturday, August 18, 2007

Dissent & Revolt, Three-Year-Old Style

More birthday fun for Jake -- he got a cool purple lightening strap for his guitar! And because all rockers need to be rebellious, a "Dissent and Revolt" sticker for his guitar. I think it will end up being accompanied by Elmo and Blue's Clues, but hey, he's only three; rockers have to start somewhere.

The guys at The Guitar Center were most impressed with his guitar and the fact that he plays it so much. Jake was a little overwhelmed with all the noise (there were a bunch of guys there playing the electric guitar) but he really liked looking at all the different guitars hanging on the walls.

1 comment:

Gabe and Layla's mommy said...

He DOES look like a little rocker in that 2nd picture. More like a three year old in the first, but definitely a rocker in the 2nd!!

Happy birthday again little man from me and your almost same day birthday bud (minus one year and 2 days) Gabe!!