Friday, February 22, 2008

Cool, Man...

Some things, like leather jackets, just never go out of style when you are a cool rocker...

The other day, I asked Jake what he wanted to be when he grew up.

J: "A rock star, Mommy!"
M: "What kind of rock star?"
J: "Like Bwuce!"
M: "Oh, so you're going to play the guitar?"
J: "Yes, and I will sing, too. I will have lots of different guitars, because Bwuce does." (I love how he has that Elmer Fudd thing going on with his "r"s, it's so cute.)
M: "Bruce writes his own songs. Do you think you will, too?"
J: "Yes, I will use my words and be on videos!"

Hee. Jake talks a lot about "his words" lately. I think it's because they are focusing on getting the kids to "use their words" as school, instead of hitting or getting mad. When Jake gets upset at us, he will say, "Listen to my words!" Of course, then he often cannot tell you exactly what words he wants you to pay attention to...more that he wants you to pay attention to him, I think.

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