Saturday, February 09, 2008


Jake got some giant building blocks for Christmas -- the large cardboard kind that are great for building forts. (And causing scars -- Mommy has a scar on her eyebrow from being hit in the face with one of those blocks as a kid, although to be fair, the block opened an existing wound that came from sliding off a bald man's head. Really. Okay, on second thought, never mind the block story, it's just too weird and I'm sure they've improved the cardboard technology since 30 years ago.)

Jake likes to build forts with the blocks. When he builds them with Poppy, they pretend to be Godzilla and Mothra and knock the forts down while roaring loudly. When he builds them with Mommy, they make interesting architectural statements and play inside the fort.

Here is Jake and his doll Phil in a Mommy fort, being attacked by Godzilla. Shortly after these pictures were taken, Phil was thrown to Godzilla as a distraction while Jake escaped...

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