Wednesday, June 29, 2005

I'm 45 Weeks Old!

Sorry this is a little late, but Mommy has been sick with a cold and has been going to bed extra early.

Great news: the pediatric orthopedic doctor said that my foot and leg are totally normal! My foot does turn out but the doctor says it's within the range of normal, and my hip was loose. He was really impressed with my progress, as I'm only supposed to be eight months old. He thinks I'm developing beautifully and there's no reason to worry at all. He sees a lot of preemies with cerebral palsy and he could see no sign of that at all in me. Yay! Mommy was so relieved. Based on what Dr. Blair said, she thought I'd need physical therapy at least.

The bad news is that I caught a virus at daycare. Yuck! All of the babies have it. Mommy took me to the doctor on Monday because I was pulling at my ears, but my ears were clear. I felt worse instead of better as the week went on. Mommy had to leave work early on Friday because daycare asked her to pick me up. I kept throwing up when they tried to feed me.

We went to the doctor again and it turns out I have a double ear infection! Poor me. it's no fun. But I've been taking my antibiotic and I feel much better. I have my appetite back and want to play.

I got a special treat this weekend -- I spent it with Daddy and Grandma and Grandpa. It was my first overnight visit with Daddy and I had a lot of fun, even if I was sick.

Grandma sang "I love My Rooster," and Grandpa and Daddy played ball with me. It was a lot of fun being spoiled! You can see how happy I am in this picture with Grandma (Jacob062505a) because I'm showing all of my teeth. I'm happy in this picture with his Daddy, too (Jacob062605a). Don't I look cool with my baseball cap on backwards?

I had a lot of fun climbing up the step between the family room and kitchen (Jacob062505b). Calvin the cat would run away from me into the kitchen, but now I can follow him! Pretty soon I'll be fast enough to catch him when he runs away.

I didn't have too much appetite, but I did eat at Daddy's. Grandma really spoiled me by holding my food bag for me (Jacob062605b). Ha! I fooled her into thinking I couldn't do it myself. Oh, and here I am looking really cute in my high chair. (Jacob062505c)

One of my favorite things to do now is stand. I've gotten really good at pulling myself up. Mommy bought me a new toy designed so I can pull up on it. I push balls through the top and it plays music. The balls go around and around, then come out the bottom. I've only had it for a week, but already I can sit down and get the balls myself, instead of having Mommy hand them to me. It's so fun to be a big boy! (Jacob062705)

Love and standing tall kisses,


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