Friday, June 15, 2007

Go, Go, Go!

Jake was quite impatient this morning in the car. We were sitting at the light, getting ready to get on the Beltline. It turned from red to green. "Go, Mommy, go!" I hear from the back seat.

"Jake, there are cars in front of me, I have to wait."

"But it's the green arrow!"

"I know, but I have to wait for the cars in front of me to start driving, or I will hit them. Besides, we're going now."

"Yeah, but that car is winning!"

Oh my, I've created a speed demon. Every time I stopped at a stop sign, he would pipe up, "Go, go, go! Mommy, let's go!"

He was also in a singing mood today. Besides Laurie, he sang along to Eddie and the Cruisers and Kermit the Frog. Kermit sings "The Rainbow Connection" which is the song I've sung every night to Jake for...well, years now. It was so sweet to see Jake singing along and smiling, although he said, "That song makes me tired!" I guess he associates it with bedtime!

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