Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Going to Bed & Waking Up

Last night, Jake had a hard time going to sleep. He actually hopped out of bed and came down the hall a couple of times (usually he just calls for us).

One time he appeared at my bedroom door and said, "Mommy!" (big smile). I said, "Jacob..." and he finished, "...Nathanael Piper!" Little smartie.

This morning, he woke up very early, at 4:45 am. I heard him stirring around. He fell back asleep a couple of times, but was pretty restless. I got up at 5:30 to take my shower. I heard him over the monitor saying, "Mommy! Mommy? Come here, I love you!" He kept repeating it, and when it had no effect, he switched to, "Mommy! Come out and get me! I need kisses!" He never got upset though, and was in a really good mood when I got out of the shower and fetched him for kisses.

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