Saturday, October 13, 2007


Jake has gotten into the bad habit of calling repeatedly for Mommy and Poppy once he's in bed. I decided it was time he went back to going to bed right away, so I started telling him that if he could go to sleep and not call us, he'd get a special surprise the next day.

It's been working well, but then he went to his daddy's for a couple of nights.

Tonight, I remind him about getting a special surprise if he goes right to sleep and doesn't call us.

"What will it be?" he asks.

"Well, on Thursday you got to listen to Laurie on the iPod on the way to school," I reply.

"But what will I get tomorrow?"

"I don't know, it's a surprise. But it will be special," I answer.

Jake thinks for a minute, then his face brightens. "Hey! Maybe it will be a new lamp!"

Um..."Maybe!" I say, giving my silly little guy a big hug and kiss goodnight...

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