Saturday, October 27, 2007

What Are You Thinking About?

Today was a beautiful fall day, so after Jake's nap we decided to go for a hike by the "cweek" -- our favorite walking park/trail. On the way there, the following conversation ensued:

Jake: "It's a beautiful day!"
Mommy: "Yes, it's really pretty. It will be nice by the creek."
J: "It will be quiet."
M: "What do you think you'll hear?"
J: "The trees. The creek."
Poppy: "The sound of the monkeys in the trees..."
J: "Nooo! I don't think so."
M: "Poppy, that's silly...what were you thinking of?"
J: (gravely) "Monkeys"

Poppy and Mommy just burst out laughing...

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