Sunday, October 14, 2007

Pumpkins and Corn and Chickens, Oh My

We took Jake to a corn maze in Lodi last weeked. It was hot as blazes (high 80s) and let me tell you, being in a corn maze with no breeze when it's hot is not much fun. Jake liked it, though.

He and Poppy got to use a giant slingshot to shoot pumpkins into a pond at a target. If you hit the target, you won a prize. I think the real prize was for a big and little boy to get to cause mass pumpkin destruction....

Then we went through the maze. It took about an hour. You got a map of part of the maze, and navigated it to a mailbox with your next clue, with 8 clues in all. Jake got so excited when we would find the next clue. "Hey! It's the mailbox! We did it!" The best part for Mommy was the each mailbox had a bench, so I could sit down and drink some water. The heat was not fun for a pregnant woman! Not to mention one that had to go to the bathroom and had a baby kicking her bladder...I think we did the maze in record time, because about halfway through, I was done. Luckily, Jake thought we were in a race so he had a good time.

(By the way, he's not really alone in the maze, like the picture would lead you to believe. It was just a big open stretch and he was happy to get to run.)

Jake also got to meet a chicken -- actually a rooster -- but he was uninterested in the batch of chicks they had. Combined with his major crankiness, and my incipient heat stroke, we decided we had enough and took off for home. I guess there's a reason corn mazes, etc, happen in October, when it's usually nice and cool!

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