Friday, July 06, 2007

The First Movie

Jake saw his first movie in the movie theatre!

It was rainy on July 4th, so we took him to the 10:00 am showing of "Ratatouliie." He's been obsessed with the movie since he saw a preview for it on the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse DVD he got for Easter. He would ask us to put it on repeat and watch it for as long as we could stand it. "The mouse! He steal the cheese! He runned away!"

So it was a big day when we told him we were going to finally see the mouse steal the cheese. He was fascinated with the theatre -- the outside with all the posters, buying the tickets, the huge screen, the seats, the snacks.

He doesn't quite weigh enough to keep the seat down, so when he first sat, it kind of folded up on him. He looked at me with this quizzical look, as if to say, "Is this how you watch movies in a theatre, Mommy?" Needless to say, he watched the rest of the movie from Mommy or Poppy's lap. He was very good, talking quietly and paying attention.

He did really well although he was ready to go about 20 minutes before the end of the movie. "I done, Mommy." We decided to go, but then Jake decided he wanted to stay after all. We were almost out of the theatre, so we found a seat down front. Unfortunately, another family was letting their little girl run up and down the aisles so Jake wanted to do that, too. We had a hard time making him understand that no, *we* sit in our seats to watch movies.

He applauded at the end and seemed to really enjoy it....even though the scene from the preview was never in the movie. Nope, the rat never did steal the cheese and run away.

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