Saturday, July 28, 2007

Random Stories

Random Story #1
Jake was playing his guitar the other day and singing. I couldn't quite make out the words. "Jake, are you singing 'On the Dark Side?'" Exasperated, he replies, "No Mommy, I'm singing 'Paper and Fire'." He likes his Mellencamp...

Random Story #2
While visiting in VA, my sister was nice enough to loan us her minivan. We got in one day and the door got stuck for a second before we could get it closed. From the back we hear, "Piece of crap!" Where did that come from?

Random Story #3
Every night Poppy and Jake watch videos on Poppy's computer, which sometimes acts up when downloading YouTube for some reason. The other night the Explorer window shut down, which is what happens when there is a problem. There's a heavy sigh and then, "Piece of crap." And NOT from Poppy...although I suspect that's where the phrase originated.

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