Thursday, July 12, 2007

Two Firsts

Two "firsts" for Jake today:

One, he pooped on the potty! This is a big deal. He's been potty trained at school during the day for a long time (at home is another story), but he still always pooped in his pull-up. Today, he told his teacher he had to go potty. Then she heard, "Miss Mal-wee, I poopin'!" Big excitement! Now, if we can only get him to start going on the potty when he's home...

Jake's second "first" was exciting, but not as positive. He fell off his bed! Poor little guy, I heard him crying and ran into his room. He has rails on his toddler bed, but he's such a restless sleeper I guess he worked his way off. He bit his lip and has an "owie." I didn't realize it at first, and just gave him a hug and put him back to sleep. He couldn't settle down though, so I went back in and that's when I saw the dried blood. Almost gave me a heart attack. At any rate, he was cleaned up and it's just a little spot on his lip. He got some "gwape" (Tylenol) and some cuddles, and now he's fast asleep. I, on the other hand, am wide awake at 4:30 am....

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