Saturday, July 28, 2007

Shaggy Boy

Jake's hair cut boycott continues unabated. I'm not sure why he equates getting a hair cut with having a body part lopped off, but he does. MeMe almost had him convinced to let her cut his hair, but by the time we were in a place with scissors that would work, the moment had passed. I'm going to start carrying hair scissors around with me so I can take advantage next time!

Meanwhile, he spends a lot of time pushing his hair out of his eyes and generally looking like a sheepdog. Let's hope this phase passes before his hair gets longer than mine. (My dad suggested holding him down. I had to explain that there's no way you can hold a screaming, flailing three-year-old still enough for a hair cut without risking bodily harm to someone. Besides, it's not that big of a deal.)

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