Friday, September 14, 2007

Baby Names

Jake knows that Mommy has a baby in her belly, although he's not terribly excited by the idea -- probably because it doesn't seem real to him. (I don't think he remembers his stepmom being pregnant with his brother.) But he will ask every now and then, "Is the baby getting bigger?" and kiss my belly.

I told him he would be able to feel the baby moving around soon because the baby was getting so big. He got the strangest look on his face and kind of slowly leaned away from my stomach...

We ask him what we should name the baby. Here is his list of favorite names to date:

Pancake (his favorite thing)
House (apparently, some reference to Mommy's size)
Phil (which is his doll's name, for some odd reason)

I don't think we'll be going with any of those...

1 comment:

Gabe and Layla's mommy said...

Aw come on! I like "Pancake"! It's better than one of my friend's whose little girl wants to name her little sister "Pineapple Trampoline". LOL!!!