Monday, May 14, 2007

Happy Mother's Day!

Or as Jake thinks of it, Mommy's birthday.

Jake made me lovely card, with lots and lots of tape. "I tape, Mommy!" It also had stickers, pictures, and drawings. Jake has just learned to draw a circle (or at least, something vaguely egg-shaped) so all of his art now contain what look like lopsided donuts. "He" also got me a beautiful necklace with a charm containing his name and birthdate, and all my gardening stuff (pots, plants, flowers) so we can garden together.

It was Jake's weekend at Daddy's, but given that this was a special occasion, he went to Daddy's Thursday night through Saturday night so he could be home for "Mommy's Special Day." For whatever reason, he did not want me to have the necklace (which he brought with him from Daddy's house). He tried to tear it off my neck several times. "No! No Mommy, no!" But he couldn't tell me what, exactly, he objected to. I wore it anyway and caught him eyeing it throughout the day, obviously plotting how he could remove it. Today, he finally told me why. "Jake, you gave this to me." "No, I not. Amy did." "Is that why you don't want me wear it?" "Yeah." "But it has your name and birthday on it. I love it because it's celebrates the day I became your Mommy. It's beautiful." "It not beautiful. It not nice." Shrug.

He was so sweet and loving most of the day (other than that) so it was quite the surprise when he walked into the kitchen, tore down the card he had made from its place of honor on the refrigerator, and tore and crumpled it up. "No, Mommy!" he said sternly as he placed it in the trash. Apparently, he was mad at me, I think because I was making dinner and he didn't want to eat it. (Or maybe because he had made it at Daddy's house? Who knows...)

I took him upstairs to change his Pull-Up and he said, "I don't love you, Mommy." Sigh. "Well, I love you, Jake." "Yeah." (shrug) "Are you mad at me?" "Yeah. I DON'T love you." "Well, you can be mad at me, it's okay. Just say so. I will still love you."

Of course later on all was forgiven and it was hugs and kisses and love. But man, it goes right to the heart when they first drop the "no love" bomb....Happy Mother's Day...

1 comment:

Gabe and Layla's mommy said...

Aw, (((HUGS))) I think I have heard that mood swings are worse in boys than they are in girls. I never would have thunk it but now that I have a boy on the brink of the terrible twos, I totally get it! Totally! Sorry bud! I know that made it a hard day!