Wednesday, May 23, 2007

On The Dark Side...Oh Yeah

Jake loves music. He loves to sing, he loves to dance. Every night he and Poppy watch "videos" on YouTube. Jake's favorite (besides Spiderman, Superman, etc.) is a clip from "Eddie and The Cruisers" where they sing "On the Dark Side." Jake bounces and claps along. He has a little toy microphone and he walks around the house singing "Eddie and the Cwuisers song, Mommy!"

He likes to watch any kind of music video and concert DVDs fascinate him. If you ask him, he will tell you he wants to play guitar or drums.

On a recent trip to Tennessee, Jake got to see Alex's stepfather play a REAL guitar. It was a major moment in his young life. He stared and stared. The expression on his face when he got to actually touch the strings as A.C. was playing was priceless.

Maybe one day he will be a world-famous scientist/rock star!

1 comment:

Jared'sMama said...

V- My guy loves guitars too. Of coures we have three in the house, so he loves playing them! Maybe they can start a three year old rock band soon and win American Idol! LOL!

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