Saturday, May 26, 2007

My Little Comedian

Jake has a thing about throwing away trash (not suprisingly, given who his mom is). He loves to throw away trash. He's learned that used napkins, empty snack packages, and more all belong in the trash. He also knows that if you leave a sippy cup out with juice or mlik, "it's old" and needs to be thrown away.

The other day I was dressing Jake in the morning and as usual he was not cooperating. (After all, getting dressed means leaving the house, something my little hermit crab would rather not do unless McD's is involved.) I said something like, "Jake, please come here, I'm getting too old to get up and chase you."

Surprisingly, he did. Then:

J: "Mommy, you are OLD."
M: "No, I'm not!"
J: "Oh yeah, You OOOOOLLLLDDD."
M: "Really."
J: (devilish twinkle in his eye) "Yeah, we throw you away!"
M: (mock horror) "No! You can't throw me away!"
J: "Oh yeah!" (laughing)
M: "Well, I'm not so old I can't catch you and tickle you!"

Which of course, I did. Much hilarity ensued.

Hee, Jake is starting to make jokes. I suppose that too is not suprising, given who his daddy and poppy are.

It did hit home a little. Poor guy, when he is in college I'll be as old as my mom is now, and ready for retirement. Not that I'll be able to afford to retire, given the likely cost of tuition.

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