Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Of Apples, Sponges, and Pitchers

They say the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, that little minds are like sponges, and that little pitchers have big ears. So true!

It's always amazing to me to hear Jake repeat something back to me that I say, or act the way I would act, or remember something we've talked about but not recently. Having a child is like having a little mirror with an odd reflection...often fuzzy and sometimes crystal clear--usually when you least want it to be. Like when you're in the car in traffic and from the backseat you hear, "Go! Get a move on!" (ahem)

This morning, Jake was watching the episode of Oobie where Oobie gets scared. Oobie talks to other kids to find out what they do when they get scared. So I asked Jake what he does:

J: "I run away!"
M: "Really? Then what?"
J: "I find a mommy!"
M: "You mean me?"
J: "No, a mommy with kids."

I finally realized he was repeating back what we talk about when we read "Little Red Riding Hood" -- don't talk to strangers, and if you get lost, you should look for another mommy with kids and ask for help. Still not sure why he connected that with being scared, as he's never been lost, but good to know he remembers!

A little while later, I was dressing him and I asked him to get his sneakers:

J: "I no see them." (shrugging, hands up the air)
M: "Oh, I think we left them at school."
J: "Bummer, dude!" (with major eye roll)

Of course, that's what I say in a similar situation when he's around, instead of cursing. Good thing, or I'm sure something entirely different would have come out of his mouth!

He also made me "breakfast" this morning. This means making "coppee" with his pretend coffee maker, toast with his pretend toaster, and then smearing "jam" on it from his play food. He serves it up very neatly on one of his play plates, and hands me the cup. He gets a serving too and takes a big sip, then lets out a big sigh of satisfaction (I think that's a Daddy and Poppy mannerism). Suddenly, he jumps up -- "We need napkins for manners!" Too funny.

I suppose I realized what a big responsibility this motherhood gig is, but now I really need to pay attention to what I say and do when he's around! Gotta model that good behavior...

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